High School Marine Science Symposium
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Boston, MA
Boston-area high school teachers: bring your students to visit Northeastern University in Boston, meet marine science professionals, and attend innovative, hands-on workshops and exhibits! This annual conference-style event features a keynote speaker, an ocean science demonstration fair, and workshops led by scientists, policymakers, graduate students, and others engaged in marine-related careers.
This year’s Symposium will take place on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
Registration opens January 15th @ 4PM and fills up quickly! Visit the event page for more information and online registration: https://cos.northeastern.edu/marinescience/outreach/high-school-marine-science-symposium/
If you are interested in presenting a workshop or exhibit, please visit this link to learn more and apply:
The Massachusetts Marine Educators (MME) have been hosting these events since 1984, and the Northeastern University Marine Science Center has been co-hosting since 2013. We also thank Suffolk University, Framingham State University, UMASS Dartmouth and Salem State University for their partnerships in past years.
Each year these events attract hundreds of high schoolers and their teachers who come together to learn about research and gain practice around marine science topics and issues.
This conference-style event features a keynote speaker, an ocean science demonstration fair, and hands-on workshops led by scientists, policymakers, graduate students, and others engaged in marine-related careers.
A number of scholarships to attend the conference are available to schools and students, thanks to the generosity of our MME members.